Phantom Types in Gleam


15 min read

In this post we're going to be looking at a more advanced use of Gleam's type system, known as phantom types. Hopefully by the end of this you'll have another tool in your belt to help you better model data in your programs. And fear not, because many languages support phantom types (most common functional programming languages support them, but so do others like Rust, and TypeScript, and even PHP) so you can apply this knowledge elsewhere!

Before we get stuck into some examples, let's tackle the obvious question.

What are phantom types?

A phantom type is a type parameter that appears on the left hand side of a type's definition but not on the right hand side. In other words, it's a type parameter that is never used by any of a type's constructors.

pub type Example(phantom) {

In the Example type we have a type parameter, phantom, that isn't used in the type's constructor. Phantom types can be used to provide additional safety or context to values without paying the runtime cost of carrying additional data around. Everything is handled at compile time!

๐Ÿ’ก In some languages, the compiler may emit a warning (or refuse to compile at all) when a type has unused type parameters. Often there are language-specific solutions to this, like PhantomData in Rust or impossible fields in TypeScript.

The rest of this article will see us going over four different scenarios where phantom types can come in to play. The whole article is a bit long so if any of the examples describes a scenario that fits you perfectly, feel free to jump straight to it!

Example One: Dealing with Ids.

To understand why phantom types might be useful, let's start with a common scenario. Imagine we're building a social blogging platform like or We want to support different users and blog posts, so we assign a unique id to all of these things.

We're a scrappy, fast-moving startup so we implement the simplest possible system for managing IDs: just type aliasing Ints to get things going.

pub type Id = Int

pub fn next (id: Id) -> Id {
    id + 1

Our platform supports Reddit-style upvoting or liking of posts, and we have a function just for that. It takes in the Id of a post to upvote and the Id of the user that upvoted it, and does some magic to make the upvote happen.

pub fn upvote_post (user_id: Id, post_id: Id) -> Nil {
    // Get a post from the database and upvote it.

This lets us rush to production, but maybe you've already spotted a potential problem with what we have so far. It's only a matter of time until someone gets the parameters the wrong way round and now a totally unrelated user has upvoted a random post.

One solution would be to stop aliasing Int and define new types for PostId and UserId instead.

pub type PostId { PostId(Int) }
pub type UserId { UserId(Int) }

Now the two id types are successfully disjoint, but as a consequence we'll end up with a lot more duplicated code. We'll have to have separate next methods to increment each id type, similarly if we want to unwrap the type we'll need separate to_int functions, and the story is the same for to_string, and so on...

Really, the underlying representation of an Id stays the same no matter how we use it. Instead, we'd like the context an Id is used in to determine whether it is valid or not.

pub opaque type Id(a) {

pub fn new () -> Id(a) {

We've now redefined our Id type to include a type parameter, a, but notice how that parameter isn't used in the type's constructor: this is where the name phantom type comes from. The second thing to notice is that our new function returns an id with that generic a parameter. This lets callers of the function determine what the type of a should be.

let foo: Id(String)      = new()
let bar: Id(Float)       = new()
let baz: Id(Option(Int)) = new()

Now, foo, bar, and baz are all incompatible with each other. We couldn't check them for equality, for example, because the types don't match up. Fundamental to phantom types is the fact that there is no runtime component, foo may be annotated as Id(String) but no such string exists at runtime, the same for Id(Float) or any other parameter.

foo == bar // Uh oh, compile error!

This is powerful because we gain the ability to tell the compiler a fact about a particular Id, and the compiler will do extra work to ensure we don't make any mistakes.

pub type User {
    User(id: Id(User), name: String)

pub type Post {
    Post(id: Id(Post), content: String)

pub fn upvote_post (user_id: Id(User), post_id: Id(Post)) -> Nil {
    // Get a post from the database and upvote it.

In the snippet above, we've defined User and Post types and parameterised the Id type accordingly. Knowing what we know so far about phantom types, we can see that the new type signature for upvote_post will prevent us from accidentally swapping the order of the ids.

let user = User(id: new(), name: "hayleigh")
let post = Post(id: new(), content: "Phantom Types in Gleam...")

upvote_post(, // Uh oh, compile error!

Even though our phantom type lets us specialise the Id type, we can still write functions that work on all ids by leaving the type parameter as a variable.

pub fn show (id: Id(a)) -> String {
    let Id(n) = id


The ability to restrict or open up functions to different Ids is where a lot of the power with phantom types comes from.

Example Two: Handling money.

Let's consider another scenario. We want to build an application that can handle monetary transactions such that we can easily work with currencies of the same type, but different currencies must be explicitly converted via an exchange rate before they can be used together.

Similar to our id scenario, the underlying representation for a value of currency is always the same.

pub opaque type Currency(a) {

pub fn from_float (x: Float) -> Currency(a) {

As before, our Currency type has a single type parameter that we'll use to tag values with a particular type of currency. We also need to define some types to act as our currency tags. Because these types are only used for annotations, we'll make them opaque.

pub opaque type USD { USD }
pub opaque type GBP { GBP }

Now we can use everything we've defined so far to create some different currencies.

let dollars: Currency(USD) = from_float(2.50)
let pennies: Currency(GBP) = from_float(0.55)

Right now we have some currency values, but we can't do a whole lot with them. While they're wrapped up in our Currency type, we can't use any arithmetic operators or pass these values to functions expecting Floats.

Let's remedy that by writing two functions, update and combine. We'll use update to apply a function to the value wrapped by a Currency, and we'll use combine to apply a function to two Currency values.

๐Ÿ’ก For other data structures these functions might be called map and map2. These imply the type can change, for example can be used to turn a List(a) into a List(b).

Because we want to preserve the type (so we can't convert Currency(USD) to Currency(GBP)) we give these functions different names so there aren't any mismatched expectations.

pub fn update (a: Currency(a), f: fn (Float) -> Float) -> Currency(a) {
  let Currency(x) = a
  x |> f |> from_float

pub fn combine (a: Currency(a), b: Currency(a), f: fn (Float, Float) -> Float) -> Currency(a) {
    let Currency(x) = a
    let Currency(y) = b
    f(x, y) |> from_float

Because the type parameter for Currency doesn't change (these function take a Currency(a) and return a Currency(a)), they can't change the tag of any currency passed in.

๐Ÿ’ก Both update and combine are examples of higher-order functions. That is, they are functions that take other functions as one of their arguments (or return a new function themselves).

We can use these two functions to define some more functions so we can actually do things with currency values, like doubling something or adding two currencies together.

pub fn double (a: Currency(a)) -> Currency(a) {
    update(a, fn (x) { x * 2 })

pub fn add (a: Currency(a), b: Currency(a)) -> Currency(a) {
    combine(a, b, fn (x, y) { x + y })

We can call these functions with any type of currency, but for something like add we get compile-time safety that ensures we only add two currencies of the same type.

double(dollars)       //=> from_float(5.00): Currency(USD)
add(pennies, pennies) //=> from_float(1.10): Currency(GBP)

add(dollars, pennies) //=> I won't compile!

But what if we want to add two currencies together? To do that we need a way of converting one currency to another with an exchange rate. We can use phantom types again here to define an

Exchange type that describes the exchange rate from one currency to another.

pub opaque type Exchange (from, to) {

pub fn exchange_rate (r: Float) -> Exchange(from, to) {

Now, just like we did for currencies, we can define an exchange rate to go from GBP to USD (and vice versa).

let gbp_to_usd: Exchange(GBP, USD) = exchange_rate(1.41)
let usd_to_gbp: Exchange(USD, GBP) = exchange_rate(0.71)

Using everything we know about phantom types, we can define a convert function that is type safe; we'll never be able to pass in the wrong exchange rate because all the phantom types have to match up!

pub fn convert (a: Currency(from), e: Exchange(from, to)) -> Currency(to) {
    let Currency(x) = a
    let Exchange(r) = e
    x *. r |> from_float

Although our module provided the USD and GBP types to act as currency tags, the functions we've written are general to all currencies but retain their type safety. If consumers of the module want to define another type of currency, they can do that and our functions will still work.

Example Three: Validating data.

So far the two examples we have seen in Id and Currency have been used to provide a general API across types that share the same underlying representation. Callers have been able to assert to the compiler what the type of something is simply by providing a type annotation. In doing so, the compiler will stop two disjoint values being used in the wrong places.

But we can use phantom types for the opposite purpose, to restrict the type of values consumers can create and push them through our validation code.

pub opaque type Password(unvalidated) {

pub opaque type Invalid { Invalid }
pub opaque type Valid { Valid }

pub fn from_string (s: String) -> Password(Invalid) {

Unlike the previous examples, the from_string function here returns a Password(Invalid) rather than a general type that the caller can assert manually. This is another powerful aspect of phantom types. The Password type is opaque in this example, so consumers of this module must go through the from_string function if they want to create passwords.

In doing so, they will have created an invalid password. We can design the rest of our API around this fact, writing functions that work on only Valid passwords and pushing users through our validation logic.

pub fn validate (p: Password(a)) -> Result(Password(Valid), Password(Invalid)) {
    let Password(s) = p
    case is_valid(s) {
        True  -> Ok(p)
        False -> Error(p)

We could end up with an API that makes use of Invalid, Valid, or any passwords that has functions like:

pub fn create_account (p: Password(Valid), email: String) -> User
pub fn suggest_better (p: Password(Invalid)) -> String
pub fn to_string (p: Password(any)) -> String

In the real world you probably won't be handling passwords like this (right... right?) but the idea transfers to any sort of data you might want to validate.

Example Four: Providing context.

A recent discussion cropped up on the Gleam Discord server (which you should totally join if you haven't already) where a user was attempting to write a wrapper around an existing Erlang library that potentially threw various errors from different functions.

In Gleam, these error-throwing functions are typically modelled with the Result type and a specific Error type that describes all the possible reasons that function could have failed. A problem arose when two functions โ€“ accept and listen โ€“ could throw different errors, but one error was shared between them both.

Essentially, we wanted:

pub type AcceptError = {

pub type ListenError = {

It's not possible for different types in the same module to have variants that share the same name (otherwise how would the compiler know what SystemLimit meant!) so we need to approach the problem differently. We have a few options:

  1. Rename all the constructors with an Accept or Listen prefix to disambiguate them. We'd end up with constructors AcceptSystemLimit and ListenSystemLimit which would certainly satisfy the compiler but feels a bit redundant. It also potentially confuses or un-focuses the API.

  2. Create separate modules for both of these functions, which would avoid the type constructors from clashing with one-another. Doing so, however, makes our API more difficult to consume and may complicate things further if types or other functions need to be shared.

  3. Abandon function-specific types and instead create a single Error type for the entire module/API. We lose the ability to express function-specific errors, but we have gained simplicity and a way of sharing error types between functions.

If we apply what we now know about phantom types, we could expand this third option to include a phantom type that acts as a hint for what function an error came from.

pub type Error(from) {

pub opaque type AcceptFn { AcceptFn }
pub opaque type ListenFn { ListenFn }

pub fn accept (...) -> Error(AcceptFn) {

pub fn listen (...) -> Error(ListenFn) {

While this approach doesn't give us any additional safety, it does provide a context clue for developers consuming this function. When handling errors thrown by listen, they know they can safely ignore the Closed and Timeout errors and focus only on the relevant ones.

๐Ÿ’ก In languages with even fancier type systems, we could make use of something called a **generalised algebraic data type (GADT) ****to achieve the same thing but with type safety to boot!

In fact, GADTs are also known as first-class phantom types. Gleam doesn't support them, and it's unclear if it ever will, but if you're interested in this sort of thing you might want to check out OCaml or Haskell.

Providing context clues via phantom types may not always be the best design decision, but sometimes it can strike the right balance between simplicity and expressive power.

Not a panacea.

At this point you might be itching to apply phantom types to all your code and cash in on additional compile-time safety, but there is one major caveat to using phantom types in your code.

We cannot branch the behaviour of a function based on a phantom type. To exemplify this, consider an impossible implementation of a to_string function for our Currency type.

pub fn to_string (a: Currency(a)) -> String {
    let Currency(val) = a
    case a.phantom_type {
        USD -> string.concat("$", float.to_string(val))
        GBP -> string.concat("ยฃ", float.to_string(val))

We've hit the limits of what phantom types can help us express now. Because the to_string function has to be general to all values of a in a Currency(a), we cannot change behaviour based on the type of a.

Food for (future) thought.

Before we wrap up and consolidate what we know about phantom types, I want to briefly touch on a property of some languages that makes phantom types even cooler (slightly). In some languages, simple wrapper types around another type can remove the boxing entirely at runtime. The ceremony of wrapping and unwrapping the type with pattern matching stays, but at runtime only the wrapped value remains.

In Haskell, this is what the newtype keyword does.

newtype Id = Id Int

And Elm's compiler is smart enough to do this automatically:

type Id = Id Int

There's a work-in-progress pull request to add support for this sort of thing to Gleam via an inline keyword. What does this have to do with phantom types? At the moment we pay a slight performance cost for these wrapper types in Gleam, as we have to constantly box and unbox them. With the proposed inline modifier, this (un)boxing can be removed at compile time, along with our phantom type annotations. We'll get all of the type benefits and pay no runtime cost!

Wrapping things up (pun intended).

To wrap things up, let's summarise what we've (hopefully) learned from this article.

  • A phantom type is a type variable that appears on the left-hand side of a type's definition but is not used on the right-hand side.

  • We can use phantom types to disambiguate values that share the same underlying structure: Id(a) or Currency(code).

  • We can use phantom types to mark values that have been validated: Password(invalid).

  • We can use phantom types to provide context clues to developers about where a particular value came from or what values are possible: Error(from).

  • We can't branch the behaviour of a function based on a phantom type.

And that's about it. We've covered the main use-cases for phantom types but there are others, like an interpreter for a small language or a type-safe implementation of the builder pattern. If you're still a bit stumped, you can drop a message on the Gleam discord (which you've joined already, right?) and I'll probably see it.

Additional resources.

There are plenty of articles scattered across the Internet that discuss phantom types. Many of them typically use the same examples that I've used here, but if my writing didn't really hit the idea home you might be well served seeing the same thing explained by someone else. Below is a collection of articles that I think are particularly well written:

If you're just getting started with Gleam and you've stumbled across this article, firstly, well done for making it to the end. Secondly, if you're scratching your head a bit over what any of this means, here are some of the language features we've made use of: